The permanent work My dreams, they'll never surrender by Gian Maria Tosatti, conceived in 2014 for Castel Sant'Elmo in Naples, will reopen to the public on Saturday, Oct. 29, 2022. The site, which dominates the city from the hill, has been a prison fortress throughout its history, and the work is dedicated to all those men and women - such as Antonio Gramsci, Luisa Sanfelice, Nelson Mandela, Rubin Carter - who from inside a cell managed to find the strength to change the world.
The work is a 1,000-square-meter wheat field, built thirty meters underground, in the darkest heart of the castle.
A presentation talk will be held at 11:00 a.m. and will be attended by the artist, Lia Rumma, Angela Tecce, Stefano Chiodi and Ludovico Pratesi. The work will be on view until 5 p.m.
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My dreams, they'll never surrender | Castel Sant'Elmo


Gian Maria Tosatti (Rome, 1980) is an Italian visual artist, journalist and essayist. He trained artistically between Pontedera, Warsaw and Rome in the territory of performance. He lived in New York between 2009 and 2018. He currently lives in Naples. His projects are long investigations of precise topics related to