The three works, around which Lamelas has constructed his second solo exhibition at Lia Rumma (the first was in Naples in 1972 when the young gallery owner had just begun to intertwine her career with those of the main exponents of Conceptual Art), illustrate three crucial moments in his meticulous research.
Following the conceptualism of Signaling of Three Objects (1968), Lamelas has created a new piece made of marble (in a reference to the masters of the Italian sculpture). Dos Espacios modificados, which was made in 1967 for the Sao Paulo Biennale, in Brazil, and won the San Paolo Biennale prize for sculpture, is reconstructed on the first floor of the gallery. The aluminum structure that almost literally doubles the semantics of architecture has two parts: A (inside) and B (outside) and both contain the same amount of “cubical space”. This is the first time since 1967 that the piece is reconstructed for the Gallery space. In its concrete projection onto the terrace, it redefines the relationship between container and content, between inside and out. To complete the exhibition, on the 2nd floor of the Gallery, the artist has decided to realize Time as Activity – in Milan and Naples (2013-2014) continuing the series of Films that he started in 1969 in Dusseldorf. In Time as Activity, Lamelas does away with the idea of time as an ordered sequence of events, as Benjamin Buchloh has effectively explained, saying that he “isolates the dimensions of temporality and presentness and engages in the difficult proposition of a representation of pure duration, one that supposedly knows neither anteriority nor posteriority.”
Mostra personale
David Lamelas
Photo Gallery